What does the spiritism say?
The spiritism first affirms not to be a religion.
"O que é o espiritismo" - 26th Ed. - Chapter I - Third Dialogue - The Priest - P. 130 - This book doesn't have an English version yet. This text is translation of the portuguese version.
In another spiritualist book, it contradicts completely what was said above, affirming that the spiritism is not only a religion, but the true religion.
"Obras Póstumas" - 19a Ed. - Second Part - Future of the Spiritism - P. 299 - This book doesn't have an English version yet. This text is translation of the portuguese version.
One of the teachings of the spiritualists' books describes the form aproach somebody that is not spiritualist.
"We are obliged to express ourselves in language that is comprehensible by those we address. When a man has a very strong conviction inregard to any douctrine, even though it be a false one, we can only turn him from this conviction very gently, and little by little; for this reason we sometimes employ his own terms, and thus appear to chime in with his ideas, in order not to startle him , and to encourage him to come again to our school." |
"It is not well to give too sudden a shock to prejudice; to do so, is, in fact, the surest way to prevent one's self from being listened to; and for this reason spirits often begin, as does every skilful orator, by speaking as though they shared the opinions of their hearers, taking care not to address a Chinese or a Mahometan as they would a European or a Christian, because they know that, if they did so, they would certainly meet with a repulse." |
The Mediums' book - 2nd Ed. - Chapter. XXVII - Contradictions and hoaxings - Question 301 - P. 375
At last, other book affirms that the teachings of the spiritism are the same teached in the Christianism.
"The Chritianism and the Spiritism teach the same thing"
"O Evangelho segundo o Espiritismo" - 106th Ed. - Introduction - Item IV - "Sócrates e Platão" - P. 47 - This book doesn't have an English version yet. This text is translation of the portuguese version.
Here is the question. Do they really teach the same thing? We in this comparative study are going to answer this question with plenty of seriousness.
The own spiritualist book gives us a clue of who has the reason.
"In Christanism all the truths can be found"
"O Evangelho segundo o Espiritismo" -
106th Ed. - Chapter.VI - Instructions of the Spirits - P. 130
What does the Christianism say?
The Christianism follows the Bible as being the Word of God. It follows its teachings and it believes that It was written by Godly inspired men.
Besides, the own Bible of the Christianism alerts to the danger of changing its content.
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